Vocabulary Magnum Volume A to Z
Basics of Vocabmetry - Lecture 1
Basics of Vocabmetry - Lecture 2
Abash to Abet
Abeyance to Ablution
Abominable to Abrige
Abscond to Accede
Acclaim to Accustom
Acquaint to Adjunct
Admissible to Agony
Agrarian to Alias
Alight to Ambush
Ameliorate to Amas
Amnesty to Anarchy
Apoplexy to Apparel
Apparition to Ascetic
Assail to Assize
Assuage to Asunder
Bash to Beacon
Beak to Beckon
Befit to behead
Behold to Belittle
Belle to Benign
Bequeath to Beset
Besiege to Betide
Betroth to billow
Blaspheme to Blitz
Blizzard to Brandish
Brat to Brew
Bridal to Brook
Broom to Buccaneer
Callous to Candour
Canine to Canter
Cantonment to Capitulate
Caprice to Carbuncle
Carcass to Carmine
Carnage to Carouse
Catapult to Chatter
Chauffeur to Chronic
Coax to Commodious
Communal to Comply
Comport to Concede
Concoct to Confess
Confide to Coy
Daunt to Debauch
Decamp to Declaim
Decorous to Defect
Defer to Deft
Degenerate to Deliverance
Delude to Demobilize
Demolish to Denture
Deprave to Derogatory
Despot to Detain
Deter to Devastate
Devise to Disarray
Disband to Disclaim
Discomfit to Discourse
Discredit to Disdain
Disembark to Disgrace
Disist to Despondency
Ecstasy to Efface
Effectual to Effluent
Effulgent to Elapse
Elate to Elope
Eloquence to Embalm
Embankment to Embitter
Emblem to Embroil
Eminence to Emplacement
Empress to Enchant
Encompass to Endurance
Enfeeble to Enjoin
Enkindle to Enroute
Epicure to Epitaph
Epithet to Eschew
Escort to Essay
Essence to Exaggerate
Exalt to Excrement
Excursion to Exhilarate
Exhort to Expectorate
Fable to Faint
Fallible to Fathom
Fatigue to felicitate
Felicity to ferry
Fervid to Fiasco
Fickle to Fierce
Flee to Fleet
Gab to Gait
Gala to Genesis
Genitive to Gin
Gingerly to Glimmer
Glimpse to Glorify
Glut to Grapple
Grate to Gratuitous
Habiliments to Hag
Haggard to Hallucination
Hamlet to Hanker
Harass to Harlot
Harmony to Hearth
Heathen to Heed
Heel to Helm
Helter-skelter to Hitch
Illegible to Immense
Immoderate to Imperative
Imperial to Impervious
Impetuous to Implacable
Implicit to Impoverish
Impregnable to Impugn
Impunity to Inarticulate
Incantation to Incipient
Incise to Incursion
Indeed to Indigenous
Indignant to Induct
Inert to Infer
Infernal to Infringe
Jabber to Jest
Jiffy to Jolt
Jostle to Jubiland
Ken to Knuckle
Lacerate Lag
Laggard to Lament
Lane to Larch
Lark to Lather
Lattice to Leap
Lee to Legion
Leisure to Lewd
Macabre to Magnanimous
Magnificent to Malcontent
Malice to Mandate
Mane to Manifest
Manifold to Marital
Martyr to Matador
Maternal to Mausoleum
Maw to Meagre
Mealy to Melancholy
Mellow to Mercantile
Mercenary to Misconstrue
Misdeed to Mitigate
Nab to Namby-Pamby
Nap to Natter
Nebulous to Negate
Neigh to Niche
Nick to Nip
Nippy to Nock
Nocturnal to Nomenclature
Noodle to Nosey
Notch to Noxious
Oar to Obese
Obituary to Obscene
Obscure to Obstinate
Obtrude to Odious
Officious to Omen
Omnipotence to Onus
Onymous to Oppugn
Optimism to Ordain
Ordeal to Orifice
Pagan to Palatable
Palatial to Panic
Panorama to Paragon
Paramount to Pare
Parish to Parson
Parting to Patch
Pate to Patricide
Patrimony to Pauper
Pave to Pecuniary
Pedagogue to Peel
Peep to Peg
Pell-Mell to Pensive
Penultimate to Perambulate
Perceive to Perforate
Peril to Perk
Permeate to Perplex
Persecute to Personage
Perspective to Pervert
Quadruple to Quash
Quench to Quourum
Racy to Rag
Rage to Rambunctious
Rampage to Rankle
Ransack to Rapier
Rapine to Rapture
Raring to Ravange
Ravel to Reaffirm
Rebuff to Recital
Reckon to Recollect
Recompense to Recumbent
Redeem to Redress
Reef to Refute
Regal to Rein
Reinstate to Relegate
Relent to Reluctant
Rely to Remonstrate
Remorse to Renounce
Repartee to Repent
Sabbath to Sacred
Saddle to Salutary
Sanctify to Sap
Sapid to Sate
Saunter to Scabies
Scaffold to Scathing
Scatter to Scoff
Scoot to Scour
Scourge to Scrawl
Scream to Scullery
Scurry to Seclude
Sedate to Seep
Segregate to Senate
Sentinel to Serf
Sermon to Sew
Tabernacle to Taper
Tatter to Tenacious
Tenet to Threshold
Thrill to Throng
Throm to Thuggery
Ulterior to Unerring
Unwonted to Upsurge
Urbanite to Usurp
Vacillate to Valiant
Valour to Vanquish
Vegan to Venerate
Veracity to Vicar
Vicarious to Vixen
Waddle to Waif
Wangle to Wattle
Wee to Welter
Wend to Wither
Xenophobia to Yammer
Yank to Yearn
Yell to Yolk
Zeal to Zillion
Preview - Advance Vocabulary Magnum Volume A to Z
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